Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fine Art Print SALE....
......from today through the end of 2010.
SMALL fine art prints will be available through phone or e-mail orders only and make EXCELLENT GIFTS for all your horse, donkey, bull and bison loving friends and family......

Prints are on 8.5x11 fine art paper, and the images range from (approx) 4x10(Guardian Angel) to 7x9(General at Play) depending on the painting size composition....

Prices are as follows:
1 for $42
2 for $75
3 for $90
4 or more= $25/each

Call now to place your order (530-272-3878)....or e-mail what you want and I'll get right back to you (lawebbart@gmail.com).

Visit www.lawebb.com to pic your desired images!!!

Happy Holidays and Happy Trails,
Leslie Anne Webb